

University Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) Classes

  Dr. Tim R. Norton

Research Interests

  • Application Modeling
    • Discrete-event Simulation
    • Analytic Queueing Theory
    • Business Process (System Dynamics)
  • Capacity Planning
  • Application and System Measurement

Additional links of research interest

Teaching Interests

  • Performance Analysis and Modeling
  • Operating Systems
  • Strategic Planning
  • Discrete-event simulation
  • Assembly Language


  • CS420/520 Computer Architecture I
  • CS316 Concepts of Programming Languages

Biographical Information

I am an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Colorado Technical University and an Honorarium Professor of Computer Science at University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

I received a BA in Philosophy (with a second major in Anthropology) in 1972 from The Colorado College, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a MMS (Master's of Mathematical Science) in Computer Science in 1977 from The University of Texas at Dallas in Richardson, Texas, and a DCS (Doctor of Computer Science) in 1997 from Colorado Technical University.

My experience includes almost 30 years working in a wide variety of computer related areas. I have a broad range of experience from application development to hardware configuration to operating system support. I have worked with a variety of computer systems and have MVS, PC and Distributed Systems experience, including applications design, support, and systems programming. I have done capacity planning and modeling for over 15 years at a variety of companies. I specialize in modeling for performance analysis and capacity planning using both simulation and queuing theory techniques.

Complete academic resume.


I have a number of publications related to computer system and application modeling, as well as other topics.
